"" Healthy Personality Online: 2015

Monday, 30 November 2015

Health and Fitness (Balance)

Keep it Steady!
Balance is your ability to maintain your centre of gravity over your base of support, and many people take it.
Many studies show that people who practise tai chi (which empha­sises gentle movements and stretching) have a significantly better sense of joint position and bet­ter reaction times than people of the same age who did not practise such balance-in­tense activities.
By: Revathi Murugappan / The Star / 29 Nov 2015

BALANCE is the key to life. Often, we strug­gle to find that two-syllable word in a world that craves extremes and quick fixes, wheth­er it is losing weight, acquiring wealth or finding happiness.
To function at our best, we definitely need to balance taking care of ourselves physical­ly, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Focusing too much on any one facet catch­es up on us and leads to health problems in the neglected areas.
For instance, if you spend an enormous amount of time contemplating your navel, your brain waves start to slow down and your mental agility will start to go. Likewise, if you were to over-exercise, like I occasion­ally do, and not allow your body adequate rest, you would probably injure yourself.
Whenever you amplify certain aspects of life, you lose perspective and balance.
When we exercise, we also need to strike a right balance. In addition to cardiovascular, strength and flexibility components, we need to add balance exercises to maintain balance and increase confidence as we age.
Most people don’t spend any time thinking about their balance until it’s too late. They are jolted “awake” when they fall and sus­tain a fracture, or injure themselves.
As we get older, our fear of falling increas­es. But, balance isn’t just a concern for the elderly, who are more prone to falls. Balance training is important for everyone, from pro­fessional athletes to casual exercisers and doting grandparents.
Good balance and a strong core go hand in
hand as a controlled wobble activates the deep core muscles to help tighten the mid­section. And a strong core usually means better posture, less back pain and improved performance during workouts.
Plus, the better your balance, the easier it is to do quick turns and lunges, and the less likely you are to fall or injure yourself. If you haven’t thought much about enhancing your physical balancing skills, it’s time to start.
According to Dr Vonda Wright, author of Fitness After 40: How To Stay Strong At Any Age, there is a simple method to test your equilibrium.
Stand next to a firm surface such as a counter or chair back, hold your hands above the surface in case you need support, close your eyes and lift one foot off the ground, balance on the other foot and count out loud the number of seconds you are able to balance.
“The shorter your balance time, the ‘older’ your equilibrium is. If you balanced for more than 22 seconds, your balance is as young as a 20-year-old’s; 15 seconds, you have the bal­ance of a 30-year-old; 7.2 seconds, of a 40-year-old; 3.7 seconds, of a 50-year-old; and if you toppled over right away, you are 60 in balance years,” she writes.
Not only does balance training benefit your neuromuscular coordination, it also helps with muscle isolation. During balance training, you have to maintain stabilisation, and you are forced to engage an individual muscle predominantly so that you are not using other muscles to help you compensate or “cheat”. Hence, your body has to work a lot harder.
The National Academy of Sports Medicine states that through a complex system of envi­ronmental feedback, cues from the bottom of your feet, the relation of your inner ear to gravity, and what you see, your body senses which muscles to activate or deactivate to maintain your desired position.
When the information received is too com­plex to translate, the system is overwhelmed and you lose your balance.
With balance training, you can master what once seemed like impossible tasks - just like you did when you first removed the training wheels from your childhood bicycle.
Many studies also show that people who practise the non-competitive martial art of tai chi (which emphasises gentle movements and stretching) have a significantly better sense of joint position and better reaction times than people of the same age who did not practise such balance-intense activities.
This meditation-in-motion art helps allevi­ate stress and promote inner peace.
There are many fitness tools designed to improve your balance, such as Bosu trainers, stability balls, inflatable discs, foam rollers, wobble boards etc. However, you don’t need any of these gadgets - your body alone (and perhaps a chair or wall) is enough to work on balance training.
Exercises include standing on one foot, walking in a straight line with one foot placed in front of the other while gazing for­ward, walking on the balls of the feet, walk­
ing on the heels, side leg raises, single-leg squats and so forth. Modify as you progress.
Keep safety in mind at all times: remove objects around you and stand near a wall or stable surface in case you lose your balance.
A fun game for the whole family to try is the one-legged clock. Balance on one leg, torso straight, eyes in front and hands on the hips.
Visualise a clock and point your arm straight overhead to 12, then to the side (three), and then circle low and around to nine without losing your balance.
Increase the challenge by having a partner call out the different times to you. Switch to the opposite arm and leg, and repeat.
Another good way to train your balance is to work on an uneven surface (a beach would be best).
Simply stand and lift your heels off the ground. Once you’ve found the balance, close your eyes as your sense of vision plays a big role in the balance equation.
To add difficulty, lift one foot off while you relax your other body parts. Keep your eyes closed. Sounds easy, but it’s not. You have to maintain a certain level of calmness and focus. This also helps in dealing with anger issues.
Turn your workouts into a balancing act for added benefits.

The writer is a certified fitness trainer who tries to battle gravity and continues to dance, but longs for some bulk and flesh in the right places.

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Teach Young Financial Prudence

DE facto Law Minister Nancy Shukri, in responding to a ques­tion by Datuk Hashbullah Osman (BN-Gerik), told Parliament on Nov 17, 2015 that more than 22,000 below the age of 35 had been declared bankrupt during the last four years.
This is alarming and probably unprecedented in the history of the Insolvency Department.
It is a stark reflection of the lack of financial prudence on the part of Generation Y.
Lavish spending and high living have resulted in thousands of them, on the threshold of adult­hood, already being burdened with mounting debts, unable to service their personal loans, car loans, credit card loans and many other commitments.
Debt is something like quick sand in that it has the tendency to draw its victim deeper and deeper in.
Financial prudence is not an inborn trait but a virtue that has to be acquired.
It is a dereliction of duty if par­ents do not educate their children on the importance of living within their means besides nurturing the saving habit.
How a man uses money, makes it, saves it, and spends it is per­haps one of the best tests of prac­tical wisdom.
Financial institutions are also partly to blame for this deplora­ble state of affairs.
Personal loans are granted with­out collateral. Similarly credit cards are issued with high credit limits and it is easy for one to get more than one card.
If customers sources of income, spending culture, repayment pat­tern and unavoidable commit­ments are closely monitored, habitual defaulters can be detected and disciplined early.
In this way, thousands of lavish spenders could have been saved from bankruptcy long before they reached the beyond redemption stage.
Youths are the pillars of a pro­gressive nation. The Government must put in place proactive meas­ures to prevent them from ending up as bankrupts and becoming a liability to society.
Source: TheStar/Friday/20 November 2015/By: S.Sundareson.

Useful links
Credit Card Debt
Average U.S. Household Credit Card By Year

Friday, 31 July 2015


Jamuan Hari Raya Aidulfitri 2015, SKLM
 Sambutan Hari raya memang tidak dapat lari daripada kebiasaan sebagai musim yang mana bilangan kes pesakit kencing manis, darah tinggi dan sakit jantung bertambah.
Pertambahan kes ini berpunca daripada amalan pemakanan tanpa kawalan di musim perayaan selain pengambilan makanan tidak sihat.
Antara pemakanan ini termasuklah yang mempunyai kadar kolesterol tinggi, terlalu berlemak, terlalu banyak garam selain tinggi kandungan gula.
Justeru, amalan pengambilan makanan yang betul perlu dipraktikkan agar kita dapat menikmati juadah semasa musim perayaan tanpa menjejaskan kesihatan.
Amalan mengambil makanan secara sihat ini bukan saja terhad kepada individu yang menghidap kencing manis, darah tinggi atau sakit jantung, namun kepada individu yang belum pernah didiagnos dengan penyakit berkenaan.
Makan-makan bersama
teman lama
Ini kerana, kebanyakan penghidap penyakit ini asalnya tidak mengetahui menghidap penyakit berkenaan sehinggalah mendapat rawatan perubatan.
Berdasarkan panduan diet Bahagian Pemakanan Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM), lelaki berusia 18 hingga 59 tahun ke atas perlu mengambil kadar makanan tidak melebihi 2,000 kalori sehari. Manakala, bagi wanita pula, tidak melebihi 1,500 kalori sehari.
Kadar kalori ini mestilah merangkumi pengambilan makanan / ketika sarapan, minum pagi, makan tengah hari, minum petang dan malam.

-Makan 5 kumpulan makanan setiap hari.
-Makan 5 sajian buah dan sayur.
-Hadkan pengambilan makanan kepada 500 kalori setiap kali waktu makan.
-Hadkan 5 gram gula atau satu sudu teh saja untuk minuman manis.
-Bersenam 5 kali seminggu.

Ayam masak kuzi - Hidangan: 1 ketul Berat: 90g Kalori: 140kkat
Hidangan Di Hari Raya
Burasak - Hidongon: 1 keping Berat. 60g Kalori: 180kkal
Bihun Sup - Hidangan: 1 mangkuk Berat: 90g Kalori: 150kkal
Ketupat Sotong - Hidangan: 1 ekor (sederhana) Berat: 130g Kalori: 260kkal
Kelupis - Hidangan: 7 keping Berat: 50g Kalori: 120kkal
Laksa Johor - Hidangan: 1 mangkuk Berat: 250g Kalori: 330kkal
Lontong - Hidangan: 1 mangkuk Berat: 2S0g Kalori: 260kkal -
Mikari - Hidangan: 1 mangkuk Berat: 410g Kalori: 530kkal
Nasi tomato (dengan ayam masak merah) - Hidangan: 1 pinggan Berat: 240g Kalori: 420kkal

Air Sirap/Kordial – Hidangan: Segelas (Berat, 250g / 40kkal)
Minuman Berkabonat – Hidangan: Segelas (Berat, 250g/130kkal)
Lemang – Hidangan: 1 potomg  (Berat 30, /100kkal)
Serunding Daging – Hidngan: 1 sudu makanan (Berat 30 / 80 kkal)
Ketupat Palas – Hidangan: 1 biji (Berat, 50g / 130 kkal)
Ketupat Nasi – Hidangan: 3 kiub kecil (Berat, 50g / 80 kkal)
Rendang Ayam – Hidangan: 2 ketul (Berat, 50g / 100 kkal)
Kuah Kacang – Hidngan: 1 senduk (Berat, 50g / 130 kkal)
Biskut Berrsalut Coklat – Hidangan: 1 biji (Berat, 10/50 kkal)
Biskut Emping Jagung – Hidangan:  1 biji (Berat, 20g/ 80 kkal)
Dodol – Hidangan: 1 potong (Berat, 20g/70 kkal)
Ayam Masak Merah – Hidangan: 1 ketul (Berat, 90g / 150 kkal)  
Rujukan: MetroAhad, 19 Julai 2015


DURING the course of my training sessions, I have been approached by many participants seeking advice on how they could have better careers. Most of them complain to me that they feel their careers are not moving in the right direction, hating their jobs or superiors, etc. My usual question to them is, "So what are you doing about it?" Shockingly, most say that they are not doing anything! This is something that surprises me because these people are unhappy about a situation and yet are not doing anything to resolve it. Why is this so!
My view is that these people are just taking the easy way out. They place responsibility of their careers on their managers and then justify their lack of career success by simply putting the blame on their companies or superiors. My stand on this matter is simple: Why put something as important as your career and professional fate in other people's hands? Why don't you take full responsibility for your career and consider anything done by your manager or company as a bonus!
I assure you that once you have decided to adopt this philosophy, you will get an opportunity to see your career progress and grow beyond your own expectations.
This is a simple but excellent piece of advice. If you are technically good at what you are doing, opportunities will come because all organisations are looking for good and competent professionals all the time. Being good also means that you will have to keep up with the changes in your profession. The best dentist in the world will be 'obsolete' if his knowledge of dentistry is outdated even by a few
years. In the process of In developing yourself, do not only concentrate on your technical skills; improve your behaviourial skills, too.
This may sound strange, but it is something you will have to do to get the best out of your career.
Ask yourself this question: What have I done to tell the world that I am very good at my job and am available? If you say, nothing, then that's why you are still at your present job. Being good at your job is important; letting the world know about this may be equally, if not more important! Some ways to market yourself would be by writing articles for publication in industry journals, going to the right forums to network and, participating in activities organised by your industry: this will raise your profile and importantly, tell people that this’ very talented professional exists!
Better jobs will follow.
You are the product! The best product that is badly packaged may create a perception that it is mediocre. Hence, invest in your wardrobe and dress well as it creates a positive first and lasting impression among people you meet. We take a lot of effort in our appearance when we go for interviews for example, because we want to make a good first impression. The question is, why can't we dress like we are going for interviews everyday! I assure you that it is certainly worth it as it may pay back many thousands of times over!
The corporate world is very competitive today and you will need all the help you can get to have good careers. Using the tips above, will surely assist in putting you on the right track.
By Heera Singh is Principal Consultant of HEERA Training and Management Consultancy.
He can be contacted at 012-6083708.

By Dr Victor S.L. Tan
A GREAT waste of human resource is people who have the knowledge and skill to lead well but do not, due to their lack of self- confidence. Yet what do companies do to develop people — equipping them with more knowledge and skill with the hope that somehow and someday they will improve.
But people cannot improve if they lack confidence in themselves. How then can we help people develop their self-confidence to bring out the best in them?
The first step towards building confidence is overcoming fear. Many people have fears that prevent them from achieving great things. Many of these fears are more psychological than real. As they say F.EAR. stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. In our public speaking course, we observed that many participants have an obsessive fear of speaking in front of a crowd. They fear what others would think of them. They fear saying stupid things. They fear their mind will freeze and they would have nothing to say. And, most of all, they fear making a fool of themselves in front of others. We first flush out all their fears before we actually teach them the techniques of effective speaking. And, of course, we provide them a safe and friendly audience to practise their speeches to overcome these fears.
Developing self-confidence comes from doing and practising those things we are not comfortable with over and over again until we become very good at. For example, a project leader I know is technically very competent.
However, he messed up in meetings as he lacked confidence in leading others. During the duration of the project, I gradually exposed him to more and more meetings with close supervision and guided help. Eventually, he became not only very good at leading project meetings but he has also mastered the art of handling people and issues well. With each successful meeting his self-confidence soared and it reinforced and spurred him to do better. With a hands-on guided approach, I taught him the art of facilitation and interacting with his team until he achieves mastery in this area.
It is not possible to will oneself to become confident overnight. While self-talk and self-affirmation are useful techniques to set the mind to be mentally positive, concrete actions followed by positive results are the key to creating that sense of self-confidence.
A good way to develop confident leaders is to start them at a young age. There are some very good programmes which develop the young to build self-confidence
through fun activities. Recently,
I came across an excellent programme by a company called ISTEVIN CHAMPIONS which is doing a great job developing the confidence of young people to excel in their respective tasks. According to the school principal, Sheena, her passion is to develop youth to have full confidence in themselves so that they can become better leaders in the future and succeed in their careers and lives. By enabling these youths to become champions in their respective areas of strength, she and her team develop the self- confidence of young children which is the critical factor needed to bring out the best in them.
The ultimate confidence comes from self-belief. I once listened to Leslie Brown, the famous motivational speaker, who related his story about how he was mistakenly labelled educably mentally retarded when he was young. His self-esteem was severely low during his childhood days, till one day a school teacher noticed his "talent" and told him that he was a smart kid and that he could do things like normal kids do. And from that day on, his self-confidence was boosted. He finally believes in himself. Les grew up to become one of the most powerful motivational speakers of all time. He is also an author of many books and a host of his won TV show. He won over 80 awards for his outstanding work in helping people to realise their potential for achievement.
To understand how confidence is developed, observe how a toddler learns to walk. The eager parents provide constant encouragement for the toddler to first stand on his or her own feet. The parents patiently coach the young toddler to stand and pursue on despite his many falls. This process takes time and patience. When the toddler succeeds, there is great applause not only from the parents but often the grandparents at the other end. And when the toddler takes the first step, there is even louder claps and cheering. They do not reprimand the toddler for falling down no matter how many times, but they never fail to applaud to reinforce the behaviour-each time the toddler the right thing, either standing up or walking a step forward.
Such is the power of recognition and reinforcement that instils the self-confidence and self-belief in toddlers to empower them to learn to walk.
In conclusion, self-confidence can be developed by surpassing your self-limitations through overcoming unwarranted fears, repetitive practice of a skill, achievement of impressive results, a belief in yourself and recognition and reinforcement.


Useful links

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Jordan Spieth

Jordan Spieth, the second-youngest Masters champion ever,
kisses girlfriend Annie after Sunday's win.
Golf’s Golden Dropout
Jordan Spieth, 21, who won this year’s Masters and hopes to add a United States Open title this week, considers his inner circle a key to his success.

UNIVERSITY PLACE, Wash. — Well before Jordan Spieth was fitted for a Masters green jacket in April, he acquired a nickname from a few PGA Tour players, who took one look at his pinchable face, impeccable manners and bulletproof game and anointed him the Golden Child.
His other peer group, consisting of friends he grew up with in Dallas, gave him a different nickname. Taking note that he left the University of Texas midway through his sophomore year to try his luck as a professional golfer, his childhood clique took to calling him the College Dropout.
Spieth loved that one. Flattery will get you nowhere with Spieth, who values facetiousness. The common thread running through his hodgepodge of an entourage is the needle, liberally applied to prick Spieth’s ego. His inner circle includes a former sixth-grade teacher, his ninth-grade science lab partner, a onetime high school basketball team manager, a junior golf nemesis from Kentucky and his sister, who has special needs.
When they take aim, nothing is out of bounds: his receding hairline; a PGA Tour commercial in which he loses to a fan in checkers; a failed driver’s test.
“Having a sense of humor about things on and off the course helps keep things in perspective,” said Spieth’s caddie, Michael Greller, a former teacher who worked at a school roughly two miles from Chambers Bay, site of this week’s United States Open. “All the people around Jordan let him have it. He certainly lets us have it.”
Spieth is not afraid to poke fun at himself in public, as he did in his victory speech at the Masters when he referred to his hairline. His fearless, aggressive play on the course and his modest, muted style off it have turned him into golf’s flavor of the month — not vanilla, but not rocky road, either. More like cinnamon spice.
If he wins this United States Open, Spieth, 21, will be the first man since Tiger Woods in 2002 to complete the first two legs of the Grand Slam. Woods was groomed from a young age to be a champion golfer. You have to look harder to see destiny’s fingerprints on Spieth.
There are the parents who never put him on a pedestal, the swing coach whom he was introduced to at age 12 and has worked with since, the girlfriend he has dated since he was 17 and the best friends he has known longer, and the educator turned caddie.
“The most important thing is probably my family and our team,” Spieth said, adding, “They’re all dedicated to the same goals that I have.”
Entourages on the tour have grown to resemble pit crews, with players relying on swing coaches, mental coaches, conditioning coaches, chiropractors, spiritual guides, statistical wizards, managers, publicists and even yoga instructors to fine-tune their game and their brand.
Spieth has taken the modern celebrity script and turned it upside down. Rather than projecting himself onto the world’s smartphones, tablets and televisions to increase his star power, he is pursuing normalcy through a conspicuously low-wattage life.

Sports in Their Blood
Basketball, not golf, is at the heart of Spieth’s story. His parents, Shawn and Chris, grew up in the same small town in Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley. They started out as friends and fellow basketball gym rats before becoming sweethearts at Saucon Valley High School.
Shawn dreamed of playing in the N.B.A., but he recognized he had a better chance of flying to the moon. Being a grounded sort, he threw his energy into baseball. He pitched American Legion games, sometimes against Jamie Moyer, who went on to a 25-year career in the majors, and he played baseball at Lehigh.
With a master’s degree in business, Shawn ran, then sold, a mobile app company. His latest venture is MVPIndex, which uses statistical analysis and social media conversations in pro sports to help companies maximize the return on their sponsorship investments and athletes, teams and leagues to maximize their marketing reach.
Chris played basketball at Moravian College, and once ranked among the top free-throw shooters in N.C.A.A. Division III. She was working as a computer engineer at Neiman Marcus when she gave birth to Jordan, who was named after his father’s favorite athlete, Michael Jordan.
The Spieths have two other children, Steven, a rising junior on the basketball team at Brown, and Ellie, 14. The boys, who are 18 months apart, played soccer, basketball, baseball and football when they were young. Jordan was a promising left-handed pitcher, but he gave up baseball at 12.
“In team sports he’d get so upset if somebody else did something wrong,” Chris said, adding, “I’d have to remind him that nobody’s perfect.”
Jordan acquired a plastic driver and toy putter when he was a toddler. He loved to hit with them so much his mother used them as incentives for potty training.
The child who could not stand imperfection in himself or others grew into an adolescent with eyes only for golf, the most maddeningly imperfect sport.
“I enjoy working at something that is impossible to conquer,” Jordan said.
The boys also took piano lessons. “Jordan loved it, Steven hated it,” Chris said, adding: “Jordan loved it because his instructor would put him in local competitions. If she didn’t let him compete at it, he would not have worked at it as much.”
The Spieths hewed to the philosophy that if every sibling is important, no sibling is important.
“Especially with the boys, because they were so close in age, we always wanted to make sure we supported them equally,” Chris said. “So we would divide and conquer.”
His parents’ presence at the Masters in April made Jordan’s victory all the sweeter because he seldom played in front of both of them in his junior golf days. He was usually accompanied by his father while his mother ferried his brother to basketball games or stayed home with his sister.
In his early teenage years, Jordan occasionally traveled to out-of-town tournaments on his own because his parents were occupied with his siblings. He shared a hotel room with another player or stayed with a host family, which hastened his self-sufficiency.
It also taught him responsibility. If he came home with a trophy but without his phone charger, his parents made him pay for a replacement with money he earned from mowing the lawn, taking out the trash and babysitting his sister.
“It worked out great,” Shawn said. “It allowed Jordan to be a really mature 19-year-old when he turned pro.”
If the family revolved around any child, it was Ellie, who was born with a neurological disorder that left her developmentally disabled. Her life is a happy dance interrupted by cloudbursts of frustrating setbacks like drawing with a pen that dries up or misplacing one of the keychain souvenirs Jordan brings back from his travels.
Once, several years ago, Chris said, Jordan looked at her during one of Ellie’s tearful fits and asked plaintively, “Can’t you put her in a timeout?”
His sister’s limitations, once tests of patience, have become a source of perspective. Jordan has said repeatedly that he is humbled daily by her struggles.
“The most significant influence, without a doubt, in all our lives is Ellie,” Shawn said.
Last month, Jordan was in the middle of a round at the Byron Nelson, his hometown tournament, when Ellie, who was standing against the gallery ropes with their mother, screamed his name. Jordan’s mask of concentration dropped at the sound of her voice, and he trotted over and gave her a hug before hitting his next shot.
Mark Harrison, the executive director of the Northern Texas P.G.A., was also at the Byron Nelson to see Jordan. Through his charitable foundation, Spieth has become involved in Harrison’s efforts to attract more youngsters to golf.
On the Sunday of the Masters, Harrison said, his wife, Suzanne, watched Spieth’s post-victory interviews and told him, “He’s so grounded and so humble, if his mom or dad ever chose to write a book on how to raise a Jordan Spieth, not the player but the person, it would be a best seller.”

His Right-Hand Man
Greller, Spieth’s caddie, hears all the time that he has hit the jackpot. He went from earning a math and science teacher’s salary of $50,000 to collecting roughly 10 percent of Spieth’s winnings, which over the past eight months have amounted to more than $6 million.
But there is a lot more to Greller’s job than carrying Spieth’s bag and cashing checks.
“It’s not easy to caddie for Jordan,” Spieth’s mother said.
Spieth would agree. In his second PGA Tour start as a pro, at Pebble Beach in 2013, he came off the course after a round of 70 that he thought should have been better and said, “I couldn’t have caddied for myself today.”
He has grown to realize, at least intellectually, that he cannot hit every shot perfectly. He has matured a lot since his father caddied for him at the Texas State Amateur one year and threatened to quit midway through the round because he had grown tired of listening to Spieth’s griping about bad breaks and worse shots.
“I was trying to get him to look forward because if you don’t like the result of a shot, what’s done is done, there’s nothing you can do about it,” Shawn Spieth said. “But he kept complaining and whining. So finally we got to one tee and I told him, ‘If we’re not going to enjoy this, I’m happy to get outside the ropes.’”
He dropped the bag at his son’s feet and started to walk away. He did not get far. Spieth apologized, and father and son finished the week as a team.
Greller’s background made him perhaps uniquely qualified to work with Spieth. It turns out that sixth graders in the classroom are not so different from Spieth on the course. Their emotions are up and down, and they are gaining an awareness of their limitations and their potential.
“When I was a teacher, I tried to create a climate where if the student did make a mistake, you created some learning moment from it,” Greller said. “It’s the same out here. We’re going to make mistakes every day. Jordan is such a cerebral person, he’s able to learn from them much quicker than just about any other person.”
Greller, who played golf for Northwestern College in Iowa before earning his master’s in teaching from George Fox University in Oregon, was teaching outside Seattle in 2006. A volunteer caddying stint at the United States Public Links, held near his Gig Harbor home, changed his life. Greller enjoyed the experience so much, he switched school districts so he could moonlight as a caddie at Chambers Bay.
When the United States Amateur was held at Chambers Bay in 2010, Greller got a job caddying for Justin Thomas, a Kentucky native whose close friendship with Spieth dates to when they were 14 and battling for junior titles. Greller arranged to caddie for Spieth at the 2011 Junior Amateur, in Bremerton, Wash.
Spieth was trying to become the first player since Woods to win multiple Junior Amateur titles. On the opening hole of their first practice round, Greller said, he was so nervous he gave Spieth the wrong yardages. They were playing the 10th, but Greller gave Spieth numbers for the first. Greller settled in, and Spieth won the title.
The next year, with Greller on his bag, Spieth finished as the low amateur at the United States Open. Before the Open, Greller attended the N.C.A.A. championship, where Spieth helped Texas to the title. He struck up a conversation with one of Spieth’s friends, Eric Leyendecker, who came away impressed. Leyendecker said he told Spieth he should consider hiring Greller when he turned pro.
Spieth and his parents needed no persuading. When Spieth dropped out of Texas six months later, his father offered Greller the job. Jennifer Wong stood outside Greller’s classroom at Narrows View Intermediate School the day he broke the news to his 28 students that he was leaving.
“They came out with tears streaming down their faces, they were so sad to be losing this great teacher,” said Wong, now the school principal.
She added: “He was such a constant and steady presence. He has a knack for meeting kids right where they are and knowing what they need. It’s a rare quality.”
As he did when he was a teacher, Greller has reached out to tour veterans for advice so he can improve his performance.
“You don’t see that a lot,” said Andy Sanders, who works for Jimmy Walker. “Out here it’s such a cliquey situation. The guys who are newer are hesitant to seek advice. They don’t want to give the other guys a reason to think they might not be up to snuff.”
For Greller, the only person whose opinion matters is Spieth, who has gotten better at communicating his needs. At the World Golf Championships event outside Miami in March, Spieth shot three rounds in the 70s and tied for 17th.
“I didn’t have my best week caddying,” Greller said. “I told my wife, ‘Remind me of how bad I feel as a caddie right now so I can appreciate the highs.’ ”
Spieth called Greller afterward and practiced his assertiveness by telling Greller to be more assertive. He told him not to hesitate to call him off shots in certain situations, especially on the weekends.
Spieth won his next tournament, captured the Masters a month later and has broken 70 in nine of his past 12 rounds.
“Mike’s my right-hand man,” Spieth said, adding, “He’s the only one I can trust out there on the course.”

An Entourage Takes Shape
Spieth had been written up in the local newspapers for his junior golf exploits by the time he enrolled as a ninth grader at Jesuit College Preparatory School, an all-boys school. Like all freshmen, though, he wore a name tag to complete his uniform of khaki pants, a dress shirt, tie, blazer, and black or brown shoes.
The school’s motto is “Men for Others,” and the name tags, a must for freshmen, are intended to drive home the point that in an environment where everyone is a servant, no one is special.
Spieth’s entourage took shape his freshman year when he forged friendships with Leyendecker, Blaine Simmons and Hays Myers. Spieth’s girlfriend, Annie Verret, attended Jesuit’s sister school, Ursuline Academy. They hung out in the same social circle for a long time before they started dating as seniors.
In 2013, when Spieth was playing in Woods’s event in Southern California, he was approached by Bruce Jenner, who struck up a conversation and offered to introduce Spieth to his daughter Kendall. Spieth walked away baffled. He had not kept up with the Kardashians and did not know who they were.
“Annie’s good for Jordan,” Spieth’s mother said. “He doesn’t need a celebrity girlfriend. He doesn’t want the attention.”
Spieth met Simmons on the first day of science class. At basketball games, Spieth became acquainted with Leyendecker, who served all four years as the team manager.
Spieth was the only serious golfer in the group, but he talked Leyendecker into trying out for the team as a senior, and Leyendecker took away from the experience one of his most cherished high school memories.
Leyendecker did not qualify for the high school regionals, but he showed up to cheer on his teammates and was pressed into action when one of the Jesuit players turned his ankle. After taking a few hurried swings on the practice range, he hit his first shot, and it was a beauty. Spieth and his other teammates, Leyendecker said, “started yelling like I had just won the tournament.”
“We always bring it back up because we sometimes joke about what would happen on the PGA Tour in a similar situation where I just had to show up and start caddying on the fly if for some reason Michael got hurt,” he added.
Spieth recently bought a five-bedroom house two miles from his parents’home. The 7,000-square-foot property has become his sanctuary, a place where he can watch the comedies he loves, like “Anchorman,” “The Hangover” or “Forgetting Sarah Marshall,” without anybody watching him.
Whenever Spieth comes off the road, he invites his friends over and they grill out and uncork a bottle of wine. His dining table flips to become a poker table. They also entertain themselves with billiards and games of H-O-R-S-E on the mini basketball hoop in the living room.
“It seems that all Jordan does is find a pool table when he is on the road because he seems to become better each time he returns home,” Simmons said.
On the road, Spieth tries to rent homes near the tournament site whenever possible (and, yes, many of the properties have pool tables).
Since the Masters, Spieth’s world has gotten at once bigger and smaller. His friends understand why he is sometimes reluctant to leave home.
“Lately it’s been an adjustment going out in public,” Leyendecker said. “Now that he’s won the Masters a lot more people recognize him as soon as he walks out, and he’s too nice of a guy to not acknowledge people. So Blaine, Hays and I have to sometimes be the villains and pry him away.”
At tournaments, the role of the villain is played by Spieth’s manager, Jay Danzi, and Danzi’s associate Jordan Lewites. “They’re already trained at saying no,” Spieth said.
Most weeks, Spieth is accompanied only by Greller and Danzi. There are caddies on the tour with bigger traveling parties.
Spieth’s coach, Cameron McCormick, attends only a few tournaments a year. Verret completed work on her business degree at Texas Tech in December and is employed full time as an event coordinator for the First Tee of Greater Dallas. She has a limited number of vacation days to spend with Spieth on the road.
The Byron Nelson tournament was one of the rare weeks in which his gang was all there. Simmons and Leyendecker, both of whom graduated from college this year, stayed at Spieth’s house early in the week and graced his large galleries once the tournament started.
Between shots in the first round, they wondered if maybe they ought to stop giving Spieth grief about not finishing college.
After all, noted Leyendecker, “He got his Masters before we got our bachelor’s.”