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Vitamins function as catalysts in the body. Vitamin A (retinol), What it does: Helps maintain skin, eyes, urinary tract, and lining of the nervous, respiratory, and digestive systems. Needed for healthy bones and teeth. Sources: Sweet potatoes, milk, liver, fish liver oils, eggs, butter, green and yellow vegetables. |
Business Opportunities
Vitamin is a chemical compound that the human body needs in small amounts.
Vitamins make up one of the major groups of nutrients (food
substances necessary for growth and health). Vitamins regulate chemical reactions
by which the body converts food into energy and living tissues. There are 13
vitamins. Five of them are produced in the body itself. These vitamins are
biotin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin D, and vitamin K. Only biotin,
pantothenic acid, and vitamin K, which are made by bacteria in the human
intestine, are possibly produced in sufficient quantities to meet the body's
needs. Therefore, vitamins must be supplied in a person's daily diet
Each vitamin has such specific uses that one of the compounds
cannot replace, or act for, another. But the lack of one vitamin can interfere
with the function of another. The continued lack of one vitamin in an
otherwise complete diet results in a vitamin deficiency
disease. Such diseases include beriberi, pellagra, rickets, or scurvy.
Investigators first discovered vitamins while searching for the causes of such
diseases. In order to be considered a vitamin, a substance must be required in
the diet to prevent a deficiency disease.
The best way for a healthy individual to obtain vitamins is to
eat a balanced diet. A daily diet that includes a variety of foods from each of
the basic food groups provides an adequate supply of all the vitamins (see
Nutrition [Basic food groups]).
Some people take daily vitamin supplements, mostly in the form of vitamin tablets. Most supplements contain doses of one or more vitamins. The vitamins in such preparations are equivalent to those in food. But a person who eats a balanced diet has no need for daily supplements.
A person with a vitamin deficiency disease may be helped by taking
one or more preparations that contain large doses of a certain vitamin or of a
combination of several vitamins. Such preparations are widely available. But
individuals should use them only if they are prescribed by a doctor.
Kinds of vitamins
The 13 vitamins are vitamins A; B complex, which is actually a
group of 8 vitamins; and C, D, E, and K. Scientists divide vitamins into two
general groups, fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble
vitamins. The fat-soluble vitamins—vitamins A, D, E, and K—dissolve in
fats. The water-soluble vitamins—the B-complex vitamins and vitamin C—dissolve
in water.
Vitamin A, also called retinol, occurs
naturally only in animals. Egg yolk, liver, and milk provide much vitamin A.
Some plants contain substances called carotenes, which the
body converts into vitamin A. These plants include cabbage, carrots, and
Vitamin A is essential for the development of babies before birth and the growth of children. It is especially needed for the growth of bones and teeth. Vitamin A keeps the skin healthy and helps produce mucous secretions that build resistance to infection. People who do not get enough vitamin A may develop a condition called xerophthalmia, in which the surface of the eye becomes dry and likely to develop infection. Vitamin A also forms part of the two pigments that help the eyes to function normally in light that varies in intensity. Night blindness is an early symptom of a deficiency of vitamin A.
Vitamin B complex was first believed to be only one vitamin. Researchers later discovered that it consists of eight vitamins—thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, B6, pantothenic acid, biotin, B2, and folic acid.
Thiamine, or vitamin B,, prevents and cures
beriberi, a disease of the nervous system (see Beriberi). The vitamin
contains sulphur and nitrogen. Sources of thiamine include green vegetables;
meat, especially pork; nuts; soybeans; yeast; and whole-grain and enriched
breads and cereals. This vitamin, like vitamin A, is needed for growth. The
body also needs it to change carbohydrates into energy.
Riboflavin, or vitamin B2, is most
abundant in such foods as eggs, fish, liver, milk> poultry, yeast and green
and leafy vegetables. Direct sunlight destroys riboflavin in milk. This vitamin
is needed for growth and for healthy skin and eyes. It promotes the body's use
of oxygen in converting food into energy, if a person does not get enough
riboflavin, cracks may develop in the skin at the corners of the mouth. The
person also may have inflamed lips and a sore tongue, and scaly skin around
the nose and ears. The eyes may become extremely sensitive to light.
Niacin, or nicotinic acid, helps prevent
pellagra (see Pellagra). The best sources of niacin are fish, green vegetables,
lean meat, poultry, and whole-grain and enriched bread and cereal. Milk and
eggs, even though they have little niacin, are good pellagra-preventive foods
because they contain tryptophane,
an amino acid (see Amino acid). The body converts some tryptophane into
Niacin is essential for growth, for healthy tissues, and for the
conversion of carbohydrates into energy. It also helps produce fats in the body
(see Fat). Without niacin, thiamine and riboflavin cannot function properly.
Lack of niacin may cause ailments of the skin and of the digestive and nervous
Vitamin Be,
pantothenic acid, and biotin. A deficiency of
these vitamins has never been reported in people who have a healthy diet.
Vitamin B6, orpyridox- ine,
helps the body use amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins.
Lack of this vitamin damages the skin and nervous system. Pantothenic acid is
converted by the body into coenzyme A,
a vital substance that helps the body produce energy from food. Biotin
helps the body change fats into fatty acids, which also aid in producing
Vitamin Bu
and folic acid. Vitamin B]2,
or cyanoco- balamin, contains
cobalt and is essential for the normal functioning of folic acid, also called folacin. Vitamin B12
and folic acid are needed to produce deoxyribonucleic
acid (DNA) in the body's cells. DNA carries the "master
plans" that govern each cell's activities (see Cell). A deficiency of
either of these vitamins produces anaemia, a condition in
which the blood has insufficient red blood cells (see Anaemia). Doctors may
advise a pregnant woman to supplement her diet with folate to prevent anaemia.
Doctors inject minute amounts of vitamin B,2 to treat persons with pernicious anaemia. Lack of vitamin
B12 also damages the nervous system.
Eggs, liver, milk, and other animal sources of proteins, as well
as some microbes, supply vitamin Bl2. People who eat only
vegetables may lack this vitamin. Almost all uncooked foods contain folic
acid, but cooking destroys varying amounts of it.
Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid.
Doctors call vitamin C the antiscorbutic
vitamin because it prevents and cures scurvy (see Scurvy).
The body stores little vitamin C, and so this vitamin must be supplied daily in
the diet. Good sources of it include citrus fruit, raw cabbage, strawberries,
and tomatoes.
Vitamin C is essential for healthy blood vessels, bones, and teeth.
People who lack this vitamin may have sore gums and suffer bleeding under the
skin. Vitamin C also helps form collagen,
a protein that holds tissues together.
Vitamin D helps prevent rickets, a bone disease (see Rickets).
Either a deficiency or an excess of this vitamin can seriously affect the
bones. There are several forms of vitamin D. One form, calciferol, or vitamin D2, is produced
in plants. It is produced from a sterol,
a type of chemical compound, when a plant is exposed to ultraviolet light
Another form, cholecalciferol,
or vitamin D3, occurs
in the tissues of animals, including human beings.
Vitamin D has been called the "sunshine vitamin" because it forms in the skin when the body is exposed to sunlight. Liver and fish oils contain much vitamin D3. These oils may be used to enrich milk and other animal food products.
Vitamin E, or tocopherol,
helps prevent polyunsaturated fatty acids from oxidizing (combining with oxygen). Vitamin E thus
plays an important role in maintaining cell membranes, which contain
substantial amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The best sources of vitamin
E are lettuce and wheatgerm oil. Meat, milk, eggs, liver, whole-grain cereals,
and most vegetables also contain this vitamin. A deficiency of vitamin E occurs
rarely and produces few symptoms.
Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting. Green leafy vegetables,
such as cabbage, cauliflower, kale, and spinach, are rich in Vitamin K. Pork
liver is also an excellent source. Intestinal bacteria manufacture vitamin K in
the body, and so deficiencies of this vitamin rarely result from a poor diet.
Doctors sometimes give women vitamin K before childbirth to prevent bleeding
in the newborn baby. Babies do not have enough intestinal bacteria to produce
adequate amounts of the vitamin until they are about 2 weeks old.
How vitamins work
Vitamins function as catalysts
in the body. A catalyst is a substance that increases the speed of a
chemical reaction without being consumed by the reaction. Vitamins help
accelerate certain chemical reactions that occur in the body and are essential
for health. Without vitamins, these reactions would occur very slowly or not at
Most vitamins play the role of either enzymes or organic
compounds called coenzymes (see
Enzyme). Enzymes are catalysts that contain protein and regulate certain body
processes. An enzyme alters molecules in the body and combines with them to
cause a chemical reaction. The enzyme is unchanged by the reaction, and it can
repeat the process again and again.
Some vitamins occur in inactive forms that do not influence
chemical reactions. The body converts such vitamins into their active forms.
Vitamin D is unique because it functions not only as a vitamin, but also as a
"chemical messenger," or hormone (see Hormone).
Such nutritional diseases as beriberi, pellagra, rickets, and
scurvy have been known for centuries. But the idea that they might result from
a dietary deficiency is comparatively new. One of the first persons to study
the effect of diet on human health was James Lind, a Scottish doctor. As early
as the 1740's, Lind used lemons and oranges to cure scurvy in sailors, who
rarely ate fresh fruit on long voyages. In 1882, a Japanese doctor named
Kanehiro Takaki cured beriberi among naval crews by adding meat and vegetables
to their diet of rice.
Christiaan Eijkman, a Dutch scientist, studied beriberi in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia). About 1900, he showed that people who ate polished rice (rice with the husks and bran layers removed) developed the disease, whereas those who ate unpolished rice did not. Eijkman concluded that the husks and bran layers of the rice contained an antiberiberi factor that was essential for health.
In 1912, a Polish biochemist, Casimir Funk, tried but failed to extract the pure antiberiberi factor from rice polishings. Funk thought the substance belonged to a group of chemical compounds called amines, and he named it vitamine, meaning amine essential to life. Meanwhile, research on the effect of diet on the growth of rats was published in 1906 by the British biochemist Frederick Hopkins. He demonstrated that certain foods contain substances that are vital for the growth and de-
Christiaan Eijkman, a Dutch scientist, studied beriberi in the
Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia). About 1900, he showed that people who ate polished
rice (rice with the husks and bran layers removed) developed the disease,
whereas those who ate unpolished rice did not. Eijkman concluded that the husks
and bran layers of the rice contained an antiberiberi factor that was
essential for health.
In 1912, a Polish biochemist, Casimir Funk, tried but failed to
extract the pure antiberiberi factor from rice polishings. Funk thought the
substance belonged to a group of chemical compounds called amines, and
he named it vitamine, meaning amine essential to life. Meanwhile,
research on the effect of diet on the growth of rats was published in 1906 by
the British biochemist Frederick Hopkins. He demonstrated that certain foods
contain substances that are vital for the growth and de velopment of the body. Hopkins called these substances
"accessory food factors," to distinguish them from the
well-established "basic food factors"—carbohydrates, fats, proteins,
minerals, and water. Later, the word vitamin
(with the e dropped) came to
be used for all such accessory substances. Together, Hopkins and Funk developed
the vitamin theory of deficiency disease.
At first, scientists thought there were only two vitamins, a
fat-soluble one and a water-soluble one. By 1922 the American biochemist Elmer
McCollum had proved that the fat-soluble vitamin actually consisted of a mixture
of vitamins. About the same time, Joseph Goldber- ger, an American doctor,
showed that the water-soluble vitamin was also a mixture. Since then, vitamins
of both types have been identified. Although it is possible that more may be
discovered, none of the compounds proposed as vitamins since 1948, when
vitamin B,2 was isolated, has met the required scientific
Related articles in Diet, Coldberger,
and Joseph Nutrition.
Vitamin A (retinol)
What it does: Helps
maintain skin, eyes, urinary tract, and lining of the nervous, respiratory, and
digestive systems. Needed for healthy bones and teeth.
Sources: Sweet potatoes, milk, liver,
fish liver oils, eggs, butter, green and yellow vegetables..
Vitamin: Thiamine (B1)
What it does:
Needed for carbohydrate metabolism and release of energy from food. Helps heart
and nervous system function properly.
Yeast, meat, whole-grain and enriched breads and cereals, nuts, peas,
potatoes, most vegetables.
Vitamin Riboflavin (B2)
What it does:
Helps body cells use oxygen. Promotes tissue repair and healthy skin.
Milk, cheese, liver, fish, poultry, green vegetables.
Vitamin: Niacin
(nicotinic acid)
What it does:
Essential for cell metabolism and absorption of carbohydrates. Helps maintain
healthy skin.
Liver, yeast, lean meat, whole-grain and enriched breads and cereals.
Vitamin: B6 (pyridoxine)
What it does: Needed
for healthy teeth and gums, blood vessels, nervous system, and red blood cells.
Yeast, whole-grain cereals, meat, poultry, fish, most vegetables.
Vitamin: Pantothenic
What it does: Helps
the body convert carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into energy.
Egg yolk, meat, nuts, whole-grain cereals.
Vitamin: B12 (cyanocobalamin)
What it does: Essential
for proper development of red blood cells. Helps proper function of nervous
Eggs, meat, milk, dairy products.
Vitamin: Biotin
What it does: Needed
for healthy circulatory system and for maintaining healthy skin.
Egg yolk, nuts, liver, kidney, most fresh vegetables; made by intestinal
Folic Acid
What it does: Needed
for production of red blood cells.
Green leafy vegetables, yeast, meat, poultry, fish.
Vitamin C (ascorbic
What it does: Essential
for sound bones and teeth. Needed for tissue metabolism and wound healing.
Citrus fruit, tomatoes, raw cabbage, potatoes, strawberries
Vitamin D
What it does: Essential
for calcium and phosphorus metabolism.
Fish liver oils, fortified milk, eggs, tuna, salmon, sunlight.
Vitamin E (tocopherol)
What it does: Helps
prevent the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids in cell membranes and
other body structures.
Whole-grain cereals, lettuce, vegetable oils.
Vitamin K
What it
does: Needed for normal blood clotting. '
Take note:
Optimal Health:
The Heart of the NUTRILITE™ Brand
NUTRILITE™ is the world's leading* brand of vitamin, mineral and dietary supplements.
Optimal Health:
The Heart of the NUTRILITE™ Brand
NUTRILITE™ is the world's leading* brand of vitamin, mineral and dietary supplements.
NUTRILITE™ brand offers you and your family a complete range of supplements and
other products designed to address the nutritional needs of anyone at any life
Optimal health is at the heart of the NUTRILITE brand. For a personalized approach to your good health, choose
the best dietary, lifestyle, rest and relaxation habits for you – then select
supplementation products to support your healthy life.
NUTRILITE products offer the best of both nature and science:
NUTRILITE products offer the best of both nature and science:
Nutrilite plant concentrates are made from the
finest natural ingredients grown according to sustainable farming principles,
reflecting our commitment to the social, economic, and environmental well-being
of the surrounding communities.
They are the direct result of extensive
research and laboratory analysis, ensuring high-quality nutrient and ingredient
combinations, based on proven scientific evidence.
The products listed include some of our most popular nutritional
supplements, which may help you achieve better balance in your nutrition.
DOUBLE X™ / TRIPLE X™ Multivitamin/Multimineral Supplement
Product Benefits
NUTRILITE™ Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables Tablets
Product Benefits
NUTRILITE™ Protein Powder
Product Benefits
Product Benefits
NUTRILITE™ Omega Products
NUTRILITE™ Glucosamine HCl
Product Benefits
NUTRILITE™ Children's Multivitamin/Multimineral
Product Benefits
NUTRILITE™ Natural B Complex
Product Benefits
Product Benefits
Learn more:
Quality Supliments
Double X/TripleX ($41.80 /240 tables/120 days)
Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables ($32.91)
Protein Powder ($24.00/15.75 oz)
Calcium Product Line (Cal Mag D)($23.50/180 uses)
Omega 3 ($23.54 / 30 softgels)
Glucosamine HCl ($45.97 / 250 tablets)
Kid’s Chewable Multivitamin/Multimineral ($26.80/180 tablets)
Natural B Complex ($25.50/300 tablets)
Bio C Plus ($37.00/ 180 tablets)
DOUBLE X™ / TRIPLE X™ Multivitamin/Multimineral Supplement
In 1934,Carl Rehnborg originated the concept of including whole plant concentrates in his formula for the first multivitamin/multimineral product sold in North America. In 1948, NUTRILITE introduced its premier product, called DOUBLE X. The formulation for DOUBLE X is based on Carl Rehnborg's early nutritional research, and still includes alfalfa, parsley, and other plant materials he recognized as being nutritionally beneficial.
DOUBLE X is our flagship product and its formula is updated regularly, based on the nutritional research being done by NUTRILITE scientists around the world.
DOUBLE X is designed around a simple nutritional principle:
To provide an essential nutritional foundation for people who understand the many benefits provided by vitamins, minerals, and plant concentrates (phytonutrients).
To provide an essential nutritional foundation for people who understand the many benefits provided by vitamins, minerals, and plant concentrates (phytonutrients).
Product Benefits
People depend on DOUBLE X because of its sound nutritional basis:
DOUBLE X is power-packed with vitamins, minerals, and plant concentrates, supporting your active and healthy lifestyle.
DOUBLE X has phytonutrients with antioxidant protection, targeting key groups of cell-damaging free radicals.
In Japan, this product is named NUTRILITE TRIPLE X.
This product may not be available in all markets. For some markets, the formulas, product names and claims may be different than stated above due to regulatory requirements.
NUTRILITE™ Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables Tablets
A healthy diet is rich in fruits and vegetables. NUTRILITE™ Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables tablets are an excellent way to get the goodness of plants (phytonutrients) in a convenient tablet. NUTRILITE scientists have been growing, harvesting, and processing plant nutrients since the 1930s, so we are experienced at preserving and delivering high levels of phytonutrients in our products.
NUTRILITE Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables tablets offers the phytonutrient benefits of multiple servings of fruits and vegetables in a convenient tablet.
Product Benefits
NUTRILITE Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables Tablets offer:
Help in fighting free radicals caused by smoke, pollution, and exercise.
High phytonutrient levels.
The phytonutrients lycopene and lutein.
Documented potency and purity of every batch.
Standardized phytonutrients to ensure consistency of the ingredients you pay for. The phytonutrient levels are even printed on the label.
No added artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives.
NUTRILITE Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables build on the foundation of essential nutrients found in NUTRILITE DOUBLE X™ or TRIPLE X™.
This product may not be available in all markets. For some markets, the formulas, product names and claims may be different than stated above due to regulatory requirements.
In Japan, this product is named Nutri Phyto Plus.
NUTRILITE™ Protein Powder
NUTRILITE Protein Powder provides a natural, lean protein with the added benefits of naturally occurring soy isoflavones. It also provides balanced amounts of the essential and non-essential amino acids.
Protein plays a leading role in your body's growth and maintenance. Because your body does not store excess protein, daily intake is necessary. Unfortunately, many protein sources – such as red meat, cheese, eggs and whole milk – also have high levels of fat and cholesterol.
Product Benefits
NUTRILITE Protein Powder gives you a nutritious alternative to meats and dairy products.
NUTRILITE Protein Powder provides a natural supply of essential amino acids and non-essential amino acids.
It is unflavored, neutral tasting, making it the ideal addition to your favorite foods and drinks.
NUTRILITE Protein Powder is certified Kosher and Halal.
NUTRILITE Protein Powder is the perfect protein alternative for those seeking a lean source of protein in their diets.
This product may not be available in all markets. For some markets, the formulas, product names and claims may be different than stated above due to regulatory requirements
NUTRILITE™ Calcium Product Line
NUTRILITE Calcium products provide the calcium equivalent of 20 ounces of milk, as well as magnesium to help regulate calcium levels.
Taking NUTRILITE Calcium is a way to supplement your diet with an absorbable form of calcium. It also features a proper ratio of magnesium which helps absorption.
Product Benefits
NUTRILITE Calcium provides:
Magnesium to help regulate calcium levels.
No added artificial colors or preservatives.
NUTRILITE Calcium is ideal for teens, men and women seeking effective calcium supplementation.
This product may not be available in all markets. For some markets, the formulas, product names and claims may be different than stated above due to regulatory requirements.
NUTRILITE™ Omega Products
The NUTRILITE™ Omega products offer a complete range of supplements to help support your health.
NUTRILITE Omega 3 Complex provides plant-derived alpha-linolenic acids (ALA) from flaxseed – the world's richest plant source. ALA, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are all Omega-3 fatty acids. ALA converts in the body to EPA and DHA.
NUTRILITE Omega products are a good way to get the benefits of fish oil for those who do not eat fish daily.
This product may not be available in all markets. For some markets, the formulas, product names and claims may be different than stated above due to regulatory requirements.
NUTRILITE™ Glucosamine HCl
NUTRILITE Glucosamine HCl offers support for building and maintenance of collagenbetween joints. It also helps to maintains healthy connective tissues.
Product Benefits
NUTRILITE Glucosamine HCl has a variety of health benefits:
It helps support the building and maintenance of collagen between joints.
The unique formula contains additional herbal ingredients to help support joint mobility and help protect against the breakdown of joint cartilage and tissues.
High impact sports, muscle weakness, and repetitive stress injuries can cause joints to weaken; this NUTRILITE formula helps ease joint movement and flexibility to help you enjoy everyday activities.
NUTRILITE Glucosamine HCl is for people who are experiencing limited flexibility related to their joints. It is intended for active people who are aging, and may already take antioxidants and multivitamins. It can also be used by those who participate in sports.
This product may not be available in all markets. For some markets, the formulas, product names and claims may be different than stated above due to regulatory requirements.
NUTRILITE™ Children's Multivitamin/Multimineral
NUTRILITE Children's Multivitamin/Multimineral provides the recommended daily allowance of key essential vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants and natural plant nutrients. This good-tasting product is a great way to fill in the dietary gaps in children's diets.
Product Benefits
NUTRILITE Children's Multivitamin/Multimineral can be beneficial because:
It provides 23 essential vitamins and minerals in a formula that tastes good.
It includes generous amounts of calcium and magnesium.
It contains natural flavoring, with no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives.
NUTRILITE Children's Multivitamin/Multimineral helps keep children ages 2-12 years old healthy.
This product may not be available in all markets. For some markets, the formulas, product names and claims may be different than stated above due to regulatory requirements.
NUTRILITE™ Natural B Complex
NUTRILITE Natural B Complex provides a wide spectrum of B vitamins which target nutritional gaps in the daily diet. Many of the B vitamins found in Natural B Complex are naturally derived from yeast. Natural B Complex offers a quick and convenient way to meet your body's demand for this essential vitamin.
Product Benefits
NUTRILITE Natural B Complex provides a wide variety of benefits:
Helps to meet the nutritional needs brought on by a stressful life.
Contains natural minerals to provide a balanced blend of B vitamins, which assist in the release of energy from fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.
NUTRILITE Natural B Complex is used by people working to protect their bodies and/or their emotional balance, as well as women of child-bearing age. Folic acid, found in Natural B Complex, is critical for the development of unborn children.
This product may not be available in all markets. For some markets, the formulas, product names and claims may be different than stated above due to regulatory requirements.
NUTRILITE Bio C Plus provides a quick, convenient way to supplement the daily diet with this powerful antioxidant. Bio C Plus offers essential vitamin C from a variety of sources including Acerola cherries, one of the richest natural sources of vitamin C. Acerola cherries are grown on our own Nutrilite farms and blended into a proprietary concentrate used in Bio C Plus. This concentrate provides not only vitamin C but an array of important phytonutrients.
Your body does not make or store vitamin C so it needs to be replenished in your daily diet to combat the effects of cell-damaging free radicals.
Product Benefits
NUTRILITE Bio C Plus provides a wide variety of benefits:
Bio C Plus contains vitamin C from Acerola cherries, one of the richest known sources of natural vitamin C.
Bio C Plus contains phytonutrients for dietary balance and added nutrition.
NUTRILITE Bio C Plus is for people interested in protecting their immune health as well as protecting their body against the effects of free radicals (stemming from a poor diet, pollution, and many other sources).
This product may not be available in all markets. For some markets, the formulas, product names and claims may be different than stated above due to regulatory requirements.
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